Child Safety Resources

Child safety is a critical component of every mentoring programs. The following is a list of resources that can help to maximize your efforts to protect children in your program.

SAFE: Prioritizing Youth Safety with Research-Based Mentor Screening Practices (In-person training)

This training is seven hours and the primary audience is mentoring program staff.  It focuses on enhancing child safety through robust screening and monitoring procedures.  Contact Adelaide Moschler at for more information.

SAFE: Screening Applicants for Effectiveness  (Book)

This book offers a comprehensive look at screening methods that help protect against child predators.

More Than a Background Check: Screening Mentors and Mentees  (In-person training)

A thorough exploration of evidence-based practices for screening mentors and mentees for safety and suitability. Three hours.  By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Summarize the screening benchmarks for mentors and mentees
  • Identify screening practices to determine whether mentor applicants will have the time, commitment, and personal qualities to effectively mentor
  • List the key components of a comprehensive criminal background check process
  • Translate screening requirements to meet the needs of their program design and setting
  • Apply the screening standard from the Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring, 4th edition to program practices

The Heart of Mentoring Programs: Supporting Mentor-Mentee Relationships (In-person training)

A deep dive to understand the evidence and best practices in keeping matches safe and supported. Two and a half hours.  By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the role of post-match monitoring and support in protecting youth safety, promoting match longevity, and achieving positive youth and program outcomes
  • Articulate the key tasks and processes involved in supporting quality mentoring relationships
  • Apply the monitoring and support standard from the Elements of Effective Practice, 4th edition to program practices

Contact Adelaide Moschler at for more information.