News & Events

ICYMI: Pivoting to Virtual Mentoring

July 23, 2020

Check out the recording of our webinar Making the Transition to Virtual Mentoring which addressed five major areas of consideration for in-person adapting to the Post-Covid 19 world by transitioning to virtual mentoring! Click HERE to access the recording and the supporting resources!

New! Learn More about No-Cost Technical Assistance!

June 24, 2020

ICYMI: Check out the recording of our live webinar designed to give you all the information you need to access NO-COST support for your mentoring program. That’s right! There is no cost to you! CLICK HERE to access the webinar recording!

November is #ThankYourMentor Month!

November 11, 2019

This November, we’re celebrating #ThankYourMentor month to recognize the incredible journeys and impacts of mentoring this year. Join us in sharing your story and in helping inspire others to #MentorIRL

National Quality Member Spotlight: The Garage Community and Youth Center

March 18, 2019

The Garage Community and Youth Center has been a haven for middle and high school youth who living near their two sites in Kennett Square and West Grove, Pennsylvania.  Amongst diverse out of school time programs like arts, community service activities, career coaching, and tutoring, their longstanding mentoring program...

National Quality Member Spotlight: Big Brothers Big Sisters Independence Region

November 14, 2018

  As the fourth largest agency in one of the oldest and most respected brands in the youth mentoring business, one might wonder why Big Brothers Big Sisters Independence Region enthusiastically engaged in a thorough quality assessment of their practices called NQMS or the National Quality Mentoring System. CEO...

Thank You for A Powerful 2018 Youth Mentoring Summit!

November 7, 2018

On October 25th, 2018, more than 100 champions for mentoring attended the 2018 Youth Mentoring Summit at the Community College of Philadelphia and presented by Starbucks. Attendees across sectors came together to have a dynamic conversation about the transformational power of mentoring relationships in supporting young people, and the...

10,000 Connections Event with Former Attorney General Eric Holder!

November 1, 2018

On October 24th, MENTOR Independence Region hosted 10,000 Connections Event: Design-Thinking for Community Solutions with a very special guest, Former Attorney General Eric Holder.  It was an exciting evening of brainstorming, strategy, and collaboration to empower the youth present to generate solutions to community issues that matter to them. ...

It’s National Mentoring Month!

January 16, 2018

Mentoring is a critical component in young people’s lives, helping them make the decisions and connections that lead to improved opportunities. This year we are reflecting on the incredible growth of the mentoring movement, recognizing the real life mentoring relationships that form and thrive each day, and offer opportunities...

A Message from the Executive Director

November 6, 2017

MPRC is now MENTOR Independence Region! New name and branding, same mission. Friends and Colleagues, I’m excited to share that effective September 2017, Mentoring Partnership & Resource Center will become MENTOR Independence Region! As one of nearly 30 affiliates of MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership we are re-branding to better reflect...

Partner Spotlight: DREAM Philly

October 5, 2016

Today, we are highlighting The DREAM Program Inc; which is located in three regions (Boston, Vermont, and Philadelphia). Jay MacFadgen, the Program Director of the Philadelphia region, oversees and supports the four Philadelphia mentoring sites. Recently we spoke with Jay to learn more about DREAM Philly. What is the...